50 новых правил эффективной работы

В своем блоге Робин Шарма, автор популярных во всем мире книг по саморазвитию (например, 'The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life' -- 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny' -- 'The Greatness Guide: 101 Lessons for Making What's Good at Work and in Life Even Better' -- 'The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO: A Remarkable Story About Living Your Heart's Desires' -- 'Megaliving: 30 Days to a Perfect Life' -- 'Meditation for Elite Performers' -- 'The Opposite - The Missing Secret to Lifetime Wealth'- можно прочитать первые главы онлайн) опубликовал пост под заголовком "50 новых правил работы". Что же, по мнению западного эксперта, нужно знать руководителю и рядовому сотруднику для того, чтобы работать эффективно и с удовольствием? Итак,
1. "Вам платят не только за работу. Вам платят за то, чтобы вы испытывали дискомфорт и реализовали проект, который пугает вас."
2. "Позаботьтесь о взаимоотношениях, и деньги позаботятся о себе сами".
3. "Сначала управляйте собой. Вы не сможете помочь другим в достижении высокого потенциала до тех пор, пока сами находитесь в процессе достижения собственного потенциала."
4.  "Для увеличения дохода вдвое нужно повысить скорость совершенствования втрое."
5. "В то время как жертва порицает перемены, руководители получают от перемен вдохновение."
6. "Небольшие ежедневные улучшения приводят со временем к ошеломляющим результатам."
7. "Окружайте себя людьми, достаточно смелыми, чтобы говорить правду о том, что лучше всего для вашей организации и ваших клиентов."
8. "Не влюбляйтесь в свои пресс-релизы."
9. "Каждый момент перед лицом клиента - это момент истины (следуете ли вы заявленным ценностям или нет)."
10."Подражание конкуренту приводит к тому, что вы становитесь вторым лучшим."

Все 50 правил:  

  1. You are not just paid to work. You are paid to be uncomfortable – and to pursue projects that scare you.
  2. Take care of your relationships and the money will take care of itself.
  3. Lead you first. You can’t help others reach for their highest potential until you’re in the process of reaching for yours.
  4. To double your income, triple your rate of learning.
  5. While victims condemn change, leaders grow inspired by change.
  6. Small daily improvements over time create stunning results.
  7. Surround yourself with people courageous enough to speak truthfully about what’s best for your organization and the customers you serve.
  8. Don’t fall in love with your press releases.
  9. Every moment in front of a customer is a moment of truth (to either show you live by the values you profess – or you don’t).
  10. Copying what your competition is doing just leads to being second best.
  11. Become obsessed with the user experience such that every touchpoint of doing business with you leaves people speechless. No, breathless.
  12. If you’re in business, you’re in show business. The moment you get to work, you’re on stage. Give us the performance of your life.
  13. Be a Master of Your Craft. And practice + practice + practice.
  14. Get fit like Madonna.
  15. Read magazines you don’t usually read. Talk to people who you don’t usually speak to. Go to places you don’t commonly visit. Disrupt your thinking so it stays fresh + hungry + brilliant.
  16. Remember that what makes a great business – in part – are the seemingly insignificant details. Obsess over them.
  17. Good enough just isn’t good enough.
  18. Brilliant things happen when you go the extra mile for every single customer.
  19. An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production. Enough said.
  20. If you’re not failing regularly, you’re definitely not making much progress.
  21. Lift your teammates up versus tear your teammates down. Anyone can be a critic. What takes guts is to see the best in people.
  22. Remember that a critic is a dreamer gone scared.
  23. Leadership’s no longer about position. Now, it’s about passion. And having an impact through the genius-level work that you do.
  24. The bigger the dream, the more important the team.
  25. If you’re not thinking for yourself, you’re following – not leading.
  26. Work hard. But build an exceptional family life. What’s the point of reaching the mountaintop but getting there alone.
  27. The job of the leader is to develop more leaders.
  28. The antidote to deep change is daily learning. Investing in your professional and personal development is the smartest investment you can make. Period.
  29. Smile. It makes a difference.
  30. Say “please” and “thank you”. It makes a difference.
  31. Shift from doing mindless toil to doing valuable work.
  32. Remember that a job is only just a job if all you see it as is a job.
  33. Don’t do your best work for the applause it generates but for the personal pride it delivers.
  34. The only standard worth reaching for is BIW (Best in World).
  35. In the new world of business, everyone works in Human Resources.
  36. In the new world of business, everyone’s part of the leadership team.
  37. Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.
  38. You become your excuses.
  39. You’ll get your game-changing ideas away from the office versus in the middle of work. Make time for solitude. Creativity needs the space to present itself.
  40. The people who gossip about others when they are not around are the people who will gossip about you when you’re not around.
  41. It could take you 30 years to build a great reputation and 30 seconds of bad judgment to lose it.
  42. The client is always watching.
  43. The way you do one thing defines the way you’ll do everything. Every act matters.
  44. To be radically optimistic isn’t soft. It’s hard. Crankiness is easy.
  45. People want to be inspired to pursue a vision. It’s your job to give it to them.
  46. Every visionary was initially called crazy.
  47. The purpose of work is to help people. The other rewards are inevitable by-products of this singular focus.
  48. Remember that the things that get scheduled are the things that get done.
  49. Keep promises and be impeccable with your word. People buy more than just your products and services. They invest in your credibility.
  50. Lead Without a Title.


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